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"People Live Here". 

2006.Chechnya Aftermath. I traveled from rehabilitation center to refugee camp, from orphanage to orphanage, and listened to the people’s stories, each of them leaving bitter after-taste. Everybody here has his or her own hard fate, own tragic story. They try not to recall, sinking into daily cares…


Seemingly the conflict in Chechnya is gone. The topic is off from the front pages of the newspapers; - this is exactly what Kremlin needs.

Simultaneously, the youth generation which sees nothing but war and death, experienced deep emotional traumas. These wounds do not strike the eye like physical scars but their consequences are not less destructive for the whole nation.


Many children lost one or both parents, became social orphans. Disabled children are not given opportunity to feel normal because their stumps with no prostheses remind them of their situation all too clear. Also children with unaffected limbs have had almost no idea about school for twelve years,- they are like outcasts.

It hurts to look at mutilated children, the landmines victims who lost their arms, legs, eyes, who are confined to their beds. A huge amount of war-time babies are born with congenital malformations – ICP, mental defects.

There is one common problem in all these cases:. All of them need psychological rehabilitation.


Summer 2006 

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